lørdag, oktober 10, 2009

2 new drivers.

During the 2009 season 2 new driver have joined the team.

Jan Møller with car no. 40


He has competed in all the races in the 2009 season and have been showing a constant rate of improvement. Way to go !!

At the end of the season Eva “Snoopy” Peelen also had a go with car no. 47



She had a good couple of races at Kinnekulle Ring october 3.
Showing progress the whole weekend.
Time will show if she can develop further during next season.

Due to many technical problems with car 47, Alf only finished 4 out of 12 races. Hoping for moore luck next year


Now it’s time to start planning and preparations for the 2010 season, will try to keep the blogg moore up to date.