tirsdag, mars 02, 2010

New car....

The build of a new car has started.
So far the frame has been put on the worktable and the engine has been hoisted in there to see how it fits.

Looks like the "Japanese Peregrine Falcon" fits into the frame
Keep watching for more updates.

torsdag, januar 07, 2010

2010 - The anniversary year..


Then we have entered the 2010 season.

To start it off we introduce the official logo for this anniversary season, as seen above.
This logo will be shown on the racecars, teamclothes, support vehicles, websites, personal cars and so on.

Looking back at the time that have passed, it’s filled with memories of some good times.
During theese 30 years there has been a lot of good races  and some challenging times
But most of all the best part is all the great friends we have made during the years and the other great experiences we have encountered during theese years of racing all over the world.

Welcome to our anniversary season, and we hope we can be here for another 30 year’s

søndag, november 22, 2009

Web update

bulldog-clips33 Our webpages at alabama.peelen.no has been redesigned and are starting to get up to date on the info there.
Feel free to leave a comment about the new design


push-pin-clipart2 Also visit our group “Alabama Racing Team” on Facebook.

lørdag, oktober 10, 2009

2 new drivers.

During the 2009 season 2 new driver have joined the team.

Jan Møller with car no. 40


He has competed in all the races in the 2009 season and have been showing a constant rate of improvement. Way to go !!

At the end of the season Eva “Snoopy” Peelen also had a go with car no. 47



She had a good couple of races at Kinnekulle Ring october 3.
Showing progress the whole weekend.
Time will show if she can develop further during next season.

Due to many technical problems with car 47, Alf only finished 4 out of 12 races. Hoping for moore luck next year


Now it’s time to start planning and preparations for the 2010 season, will try to keep the blogg moore up to date.

søndag, august 12, 2007

Updates to the 2007 season

See pictures from the raceweekend at Kinnekulle here: Click for pictures

News ! ! Anderstorp Racefestival 17-19 august Anderstorp
Here I will compete in Modsport II

søndag, mars 04, 2007

2007 Racing Season

Then the schedule is ready, only missing the date for the South African Endurance race
NM Round 1 & 2
19-20 mai Vålerbanen, Norway
Laprecord: Thomas Faraas 17/9-2006 - 59,204
NM Round 3 & 4 + Scandinavian Master 1 & 2
2-3 juni Rudskogen, Norway
Laprecord: Audun Njøs 3/6-06 - 01:01.675
Scandinavian Master Round 3 & 4
30 juni-1 juli Kinekulle, Sweden
NM Round 5 & 6
25-26 august Rudskogen, Norway
Laprecord: Audun Njøs 3/6-06 - 01:01.675
NM Round 7 & 8 + Scandinavian Master Finals
8-9 september Jyllandsringen, Denmark
Laprecord: Thomas Faraas 3/10-2004 - 1.15.171
NM Finals
22-23 september Vålerbanen,
Norway Laprecord: Thomas Faraas 17/9-06 - 59,2004
2 Hour Endurance Race, Formula Vee
End of November, date TBA, Zwartkops South Africa

See you there! ! !

lørdag, september 23, 2006

Racing again

Finally the racing team "circus" is back on the road again

The car is working again
The weekend at Jyllandsringen Raceway in Denmark prooved to be an success. Since my last blog entry i had my engine explode on me. Engine parts are not supposed to exit like this!!

Here I am quite pleased after the races, with final result 4th & 5th. place in the Norwgeian championship rounds.

We had a nice weekend but ended up with rain in the last race, wich proved to be a quite funny experience, at least for the spectators.
I had so many "spins" that the speaker named me the dancing master of the day :-)

The next weekend I went to Falkenberg Raceway in Sweden, and had a go at testing a Formula Opel Lotus(Vauxhall)
That was really something else....
I really enjoyed the drive here, so thanks to everybody that made this possible.

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