lørdag, september 23, 2006

Racing again

Finally the racing team "circus" is back on the road again

The car is working again
The weekend at Jyllandsringen Raceway in Denmark prooved to be an success. Since my last blog entry i had my engine explode on me. Engine parts are not supposed to exit like this!!

Here I am quite pleased after the races, with final result 4th & 5th. place in the Norwgeian championship rounds.

We had a nice weekend but ended up with rain in the last race, wich proved to be a quite funny experience, at least for the spectators.
I had so many "spins" that the speaker named me the dancing master of the day :-)

The next weekend I went to Falkenberg Raceway in Sweden, and had a go at testing a Formula Opel Lotus(Vauxhall)
That was really something else....
I really enjoyed the drive here, so thanks to everybody that made this possible.

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fredag, juni 09, 2006

Rudskogen 3-4 june

The weekend started with everything beeing hectic.
Worked on the car until late friday evening, before setting course for the racetrack.
Tried for 2 days to improve on the braking system, as I discovered on testing at Karlskoga that the brakes where very ineffective.
Changed everything.......
On first practice at Rudskogen on saturday, SURPRISE!!!! no brakes again.
Tried to bleed some more, but no help.
Decided to run with it anyway, and went for timepractice wich wasn't too bad.
Then it turns out the organisers have messed it up, and we have to run a new timepractice, as they cancelled the previous one.
During this practice I noticed the oil pressure started to flutter, and a knocking noise came from the engine.
Aborted the run and went back into the pits.
Turned out that the connecting rod bearings where gone, so that's it for this weekend.
Only positive experience this weekend is that I have improved my laptimes by more than 2 seconds compared to last year.
So I guess the work I have put into the suspension system seem to have worked.
Time to get working on fixing the engine for next race, wich will be 24-25 june on Våler raceway.
Until then.......;-)

fredag, mai 05, 2006

Kinnekulle Race weekend CANCELLED ! !

The first race of the season, has been cancelled due to not enough entries.....
Amazing how people don't manage to get ready despite having 6 months to prepare.......
At least my car is ready, and I guess I will just keep on polishing it until next race event...